Have You Ever Wondered: What Is Cat Hairball?

Have You Ever Wondered: What Is Cat Hairball?

Cat hairball may seem pleasant to the ears but it is not. If you are a cat owner, then cleaning up after your cat’s gagging out hairballs will have to agree. It may even be disgusting to some.

It is common knowledge that cats groom themselves. While the cats do this, the loose and dead hairs are caught by their tongue. And these hairs are swallowed. Most hairs are passed through the digestive tract naturally. But some hairs stay in the stomach and that is where the hairballs are formed.

To get rid of the hairball, cats usually vomit it out. Most if not all hairballs do not look like a ball but rather tube-like cat’s hair.

Hairballs are more common with long-haired cats breeds such as Maine Coons and Persians.

Kittens do not have hairballs as it is their mommy cat who groom them.

Cats normally have up to two hairballs a year. If your cat has more then it is best to bring your cat to the vet.

You can lessen the cat hairballs by grooming your cat at least once a day. Consider this a bonding time your pet as well. If you have no time, bring your cat to the vet for grooming sessions. This way you are sure that hairballs are avoided.

Learn more about Dog Behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital

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