Why Do Dogs Howl?


As a pet owner, you have heard your dog’s howl and may deem it a usual though sometimes annoying behavior.

So why do dogs howl?

There are various reasons that researchers have come up with but the main thing about dog howling is to communicate. And it is bound up in this animal’s genetics.

Here are the top 3 reasons why dogs howl:

Dog Howling is a Homing Beacon

In the wild, dog howling is like a vocal homing beacon to guide other pack members back. For pets, this is expressed similarly especially if you are out of the house the whole day. Dogs howl to call home their loved ones.

Dog Howling is a Defense Mechanism

It is usually the same scenario when you enter a property with a dog that does not know you – they bark and howl. Dog howling is their way to ward off predators and alerting the others in the pack (or their pet owner) to keep safe.

Dog Howling to Attract Attention Or Response To Stimuli

Dog howling can be also used as a way to attract attention. This may mean that your pet wants to play. This could also mean that your pet does not like being left alone for an extended period of time.

Howling could also be a dog’s way to response to stimuli. You can observe this when they hear sirens of the ambulance, firetruck or police.

Howling can mean differently. So the next time you hear your dog howling, find out why and learn their language.

Keep Your Pets Healthy All The Time! A friendly reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital




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