Why Do Dogs Pant?

Why Do Dogs Pant?

Dogs are created to handle heat in a different way than humans do.

Dogs only have very few sweat glands. That is why you don’t see these pets sweating off on their furs. These animals swear on their paw pads and less furry areas. But the main way to cool off for dogs is through panting.

Panting is quick, shallow breathing which enhances the water evaporation from the tongue, mouth and upper respiratory tract. Evaporation dissipates heat as water vapor.

It somewhat sounds like magic.

A normal breathing rate of a dog is at 30 to 40 beats per minute. A panting dog can take 300 to 400 breaths per minute but needs little effort. Panting does not expend more energy because of the lungs’ natural elasticity. Panting also does not create additional heat.

So the next time you see your dog panting, it just needs to cool off.

Keep Your Pets Healthy All The Time! A friendly reminder from Makati Dog and Cat Hospital


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