Why Does Your Cat Lick You?

Your cat probably licks you in attempt to groom you! Yes, believe it or not, cats probably lick you for the same reason that they lick themselves! So, if your cat is ever licking you, maybe it’s time for a shower!

Cats may also lick you if your skin smells like food. In this case, be careful — the next lick may end up being a bite!

Cat owners also believe that when a cat licks, they are actually kissing you. Licking can be a way for your cat to show you affection. When your cat licks you, they are saying that they love you!

Cats can also lick you in attempt to get you to move out of the way. If you are sitting on the couch and your cat licks your arm, they may actually want you to move your arm out of the way so they can sit beside you.

Cats lick for many reasons!

Get to know more about your cat’s behavior at Makati Dog and Cat Hospital




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